Many of us will be out and about at BBQ's this weekend enjoying the extra day off (I know we will be), but let's be sure to stop and remember the ones for whom Memorial Day is dedicated.
I have friends who have considered it a privilege to have served our country faithfully and with great honor. Those same friends will be remembering and possibly mourning on Monday friends and comrades who, unlike themselves, didn't make it home. I have another friend whose son is today serving overseas. This friend on Monday will be missing her child likely hoping and praying that by next years Memorial Day BBQ he'll be beside her grabbing a hotdog off the grill. There's a young guy at the local WaWa where I buy my lunch who leaves for bootcamp any day now to experience what - only time will tell.
Let us all take time this weekend to remember and pray for the families and friends of our fallen soldiers. Pray for those currently serving. And if you and I happen to cross paths with someone who is or has served in the military, I pray we remember to thank them. Even if it feels awkward, it might just make their day.
Let's make their day because they certainly helped make ours.
Be Blessed.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 424
1 week ago