Tuesday, May 20, 2008

O My Soul

Why so downcast, O My Soul?
What do you have to complain about, really?
Your life is so blessed don't you forget.
Even if the day is quite dreary.

This mood has been growing for days now though.
For you haven't taken time to pray
Over the cares and concerns that are within you.
Now your pity-party's well under way.

God showed you some things that He wants to change
Then others showed you some more.
You then added to that the list that you have
And burdened yourself to the floor.

Well, pick yourself up oh doubt-prone soul
And take it to God in prayer!
The only opinion that truly will matter
You'll find when you take yourself there.

God reveals what He does not to make you feel bad
He's revealing the chains that need breaking.
And He'll be faithful, if you let Him, to break those chains
And offer freedom that's yours for the taking.

So rejoice oh my soul and be happy within me;
Your salvation draweth nigh!
Keep your eyes set on Jesus for in Him you will find
That on eagles wings, you will fly!

1 comment:

LynnSC said...

Melanie that we quite a touching poem.

His everlasting love, His constant compassion, His constant mercy, and His faithfulness are more than enough reasons to run to Him today with our downcast souls. What a great reminder.

The greatest part is that not only does God show us what needs to be changed... He will do the changing too, if we will let Him. Every time I am convicted by the Lord... I think of it as Him saying to me, "This is an invitation for you to make things right with me." No condemnation, only compassion and love.

Thanks so much for sharing. Lynn