Well, I was visiting my blogger buddy, Lynn's blog at Somewhere in the Middle and she got tagged to share seven random things about herself. She then invited anyone who wanted to join in to do so. So here goes (yes, I tagged myself). What!? It's fun.
Ok, seven random things about myself...This is actually hard - how weird do I want to let you know I am? Hmmm.
1) I often pop a Lord of the Rings dvd in while I sort or fold laundry. Not always, mind you...but often. Sometimes I listen to one of Beth Moore's messages or I download a message from church.
2) I prefer Diet Coke over Diet Pepsi.
3) I am a major procrastinator when I have to do something I consider difficult or potentially unpleasant.
4) Growing up, I dreamed of performing (ok, starring) in a Broadway musical. Closest I ever got was when my friend, Gerry, got us front row, center seats to see Peter Pan starring Cathy Rigby. We were right behind the orchestra pit and I could even see back stage. Not the dream but still very fun.
5) I spend a lot of time on the computer to the neglect of - ugggh - housework.
6) My favorite comfort food is peanut butter and jelly WITH a glass of chocolate milk, preferable Nesquik.
7) I crave afternoon naps.
So there you have it. My seven random things. Now, I'm supposed to tag seven other people but I don't know that many blogs, so I'll tag the ones I know and if you're reading this and want to play along, consider yourself tagged. C'mon, it's fun. Let me know if you do 'cause I'd like to read yours too.
Tag, you're it!
Tater Mama at TaterTales
Elaine at Peace for the Journey
Calista at Can I Get a Witness?
Nancy at Olive Leave Ministies
Be blessed!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
3 days ago