Have you ever wished you had the gift of foresight? Sometimes, I think perhaps I do but that's usually when I'm reflecting back on a situation that went wrong and realize the thought had occurred to me to do something different which I ignored. Kind of like what I wrote about in the last post.
I'm pretty sure I have the gift of hindsight. It's a gift available to just about anyone if you're paying attention. You see, it's been a rough couple of weeks, really draining. At the end of each day I've collapsed into bed and rebelled against the alarm clock each morning. Because my days (and my mind) have been filled beyond measure, I've been unable to make time for my daily Bible study. I really don't know how I would have done it but I wish I had.
I got an email from someone in my small group the other day and she mentioned how encouraging this past week's readings were. Apparently it spoke of God's provision and protection. That reminder would have been a real encouragment in the middle of all that's been going on. I mean, it still is now - now when, Lord willing, I'm nearing the tail end of all this.
I guess my point is this - and take it from one with the gift of hindsight, (which you know is 20/20) - stay in the Word of God no matter what! Like my sister always says, even if it's just a verse or a short passage, read something of God's Word. And then meditate on it. God's word is alive and active. Keeping our eyes and our deeper focus on God through the rough times is what will get us through them without feeling like we've been run over by a bus. Now me? I can still smell the exhaust fumes but I'm lookin' up again.
One good thing about hindsight is that there's always a lesson to be learned if we're paying attention. I just wish I didn't have to repeat the class so much.
But what about you? What verses are getting you through your tough times? I'd love to hear.
Be blessed.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
3 days ago
right now, I'm pondering Daniel a lot Daniel 2:20-21
20. "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are his.
21. He changes times and seasons;
he sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
22 He reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with him.
Whenever I feel I don't have time for God or are running out of time in general, I ask God to stretch the time. He lives beyond the bounds of time. He in fact created it. Whenever I pray this, time truly lengthens and get things accomplished.
I pray He does this for you and your quiet time as well.
Hi, it's my first visit to your blog and I have to say this post is very inspiring. What a great reminder that we NEED to be in the Word each and every day.
I'm sorry your little pooch's leg is bandaged up and he has to wear that collar/cone/lampshade/alien radar thing around his neck. Poor thing!
Many sweet blessings!
Girl, where are ya?
have you quit bloggin?
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